Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today was day 2 in the beautiful city of Guangzhou! Seriously, I'm wearing shorts today! (for you California people- you don't know the awesomeness of wearing shorts in November!). I still can't put my pictures on here, but I have them all stored away on my camera. I must say, this is my favorite part of China so far!

The city tour of Guangzhou was today. For the most part, it was pretty fun. In my personal opinion, there wasn't enough shade, though. But that's ok! I'm enjoying the sunshine.

The Buddhist Temple

We started out by visiting a Buddhist Temple. Seriously, it was strange watching the local people come in and bow down to the idols. Our group was there sight seeing, but other people sure weren't! Even Amy told Nikki that she was supposed to bow- luckily, Nikki tried to set her straight (I don't know if she understood why we weren't bowing... I'm sure she'll know soon!)

The area that the temple was in was pretty. It was very green and had a relaxing feeling! I think that instead of going to worship the gold idols at the temple, it would be better to sit outside and read! I wished I had a book.... it was just that sort of setting, you know?

Old Chen House

It was very pretty inside. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it, though. It was like a bunch of rooms that had different sorts of old art stuff (ivory carvings, wood carvings, etc.)

It had a lot of cool things in there.... for instance, there was this room that was full of embroidered pictures. My favorite was this picture of like a pond with these trees. And then, the shadows from the trees were on there. It was hard to believe that the picture was made out of thread!

Provincial Art Crafts Shopping Center

I love shopping, so this was a fun part of the day. We only went into two different shops (and one of them was 7-Eleven). The main shop that we were in was so cool! It had SO much stuff! And it was all sorts of Chinese stuff... everything from Jade jewelry to classic Chinese clothing to the painted tea sets!

I didn't buy anything here, but both Cassie and Nikki got Jade bracelets. They were so pretty! I didn't get one for myself, because I always have a habit of losing jewelry... also, I wanted to save my money for other things (as will be noted later).

Eating experience

My favorite thing that I had today was my snack! We went down to 7-Eleven and I got (you are going to laugh at my American-ness): a vanilla Coke, and Kraft saltines with Jiffy peanut butter. It was so good! I've been like craving peanut butter ever since we left (that's what I get for eating it every day at lunch!).

But the STRANGEST eating was at dinner. A whole bunch of people that came with CCAI went over to the Cow and Bridge Thai Restaurant. That doesn't sound strange... but it gets strange, I tell you!

Nikki and I both ordered Thai Style Pizza. I ate a small piece... but then it wasn't cheesy! And it tasted rather strange (it was chicken filled). Speaking of chicken, some friends of ours ordered some chicken. When they ordered chicken, they got chicken! I found it rather gross, but everyone else thought it was amusing when they found a whole CHICKEN HEAD IN THEIR FOOD! Sadly, that ruined my appetite for dinner.


We went around Guangzhou some more and looked at the local shops. I love it! They're all these little shops full of awesome things.

Ok, when I tell you what you bought, I'm sure anyone who knows me will not be surprised at my purchases. The only things I bought today were (there's 2 of them): a bamboo flute (it's so awesome) and the Chinese violin! I can play like the simplest of songs on it so far. But, I will improve!!! I can't wait to put pictures of it up!

The End

Well, it's like 9PM here and my parents are about ready to get into bed (and if you read my last post, you'll remember that I'm not on my computer... *insert tears of sadness*). Hopefully, I'll put some pictures on tomorrow.... I'll just have to have more time so I can delete the pictures from their computer after they're posted!!!

Adios! Luv ya all!


Kim Swanberg said...

I knew if there was an instrament there that you didn't have, you would come home with it. I can't wait to hear you play them. Love ya.

Unknown said...

Hey there, it's November, I'm here in California, and I'm wearing shorts. Hah! But then I almost always wear shorts and go barefoot.

Come home soon!


Lisa said...

Megan...if you guys go back to the Cow and Bridge (it was our favorite place!) order the chicken curry. It is SOOOOO good! :)

And be SURE to go to A Gift From China if you haven't been in that shop already. If you are standing in the street facing Starbucks...go left - cross the street and go past the little tea house and the shop is on the right. They raise money for orphanages - so they do not try to haggle prices with you and they have different stuff then the other shops have. VERY fun - check it out. :)

Listening to you describe dinner at Lucy's and walking around the island makes me miss China like crazy! Soak in some of it for me.
