Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And so the stress rises....

Oh dear!!!! My life is already complicated, but the stress is mounting! The problems are simple, yet many. Although I'm sure you have things you'd rather do than listen to my problems, I'll put them up anyways. Hopefully, I will get some sympathy ;)

1. Packing- I just found out today that it's worse than I thought; apparently, I'm only allowed 44 lbs for the regular suitcase. Ug....
2. School- I'm feeling some anxiety about being away for this amount of time. My teachers are all being very supportive, which is good. Yet, the work will still need to get done....

Those are my main two problems. I'm sure that God will work this whole thing out, though, so I will decide to trust him!!! And, I mean, my problems aren't really that bad! I can totally do this! Yay!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh deeeeeeeeeeear!!!!

For those of you who don't know this little fact about me, I am an over-packer. Like seriously. And now I have a small limit!!! For over 2 weeks!!! I know without being able to pack as much as I feel needed (which is basically just like my whole room), I'm going to forget something that is essential.

Maybe I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion.... I have been known to have many fears (haha right Maddie?) Hopefully, I will forget nothing. But, it's supposed to be cold... which means I may feel the dire need to pack more!!!

I can have a carry-on and another sort of luggage that is less than 50 lbs. That may sound like alot of space, except for the fact that my BACKPACK for school weighs about 30 lbs, every other day. This is not going to be a good situation....

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

10 days!!!!

If I was any sort of poet, I'd write a poem right now about how it's only ten days. Ten days until I leave. Ten days until my life takes a turn that nobody would have guessed ten years ago. Ten days until the beginning. But, I am no poet so I shall write no poem of that.

But that's my point, my cause for enthusiasm. If you missed what exactly is happening in ten days, then I suppose I should share. But, I can't just say; I need some sort of something announcing it as a special event. I will do the classic.... *insert drumroll*

WE'RE GOING TO CHINA!!!!! Finally, our family will be complete, at least for the time. On November 5th (might I add my half birthday ;P), we're leaving Colorado until November 21st. To be honost, I CANNOT wait!!!

The excitement of being able to finally, finally be able to even meet Amy Meng is overwhelming. I have no clue what my emotions are on this subject. It's like an unexplainable happiness, an uncalmable nervousness, and a fear which I try to avoid.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Yeah, I know this isn't my normal blog. But, since I'm planning on being in China in a few weeks and I'm not posting my normal blog to the public, I figured I'd make a new blog. So, this will be my public blog. Yay. lol....

I don't know what else to say at this point in time. No need for introductions cuz anyone who should be looking at this already knows all that they need to know about me. But, if I was feeling bored (as I am now) I'd make up a completely strange profile. So, here I go.

Name: Oscar Meyer
Age: pushin' 300
Location: Happy Mountain, Candy Land

Ok, I'm bored with that.... I suppose this will end my post today.