Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another day... of HAPPINESS!!!

Today, our adoption was made official by the Chinese government- Amy is officially a Flatt in their eyes!!! Of course, she fits right in (observe her lovingness to read- that's a book that she's so into).

Can you believe we're a family of 7??? S-E-V-E-N!!! To me, that number is mind boggling. I remember the days when we were a family of 5!! I liked our family then, but this is way better (no offense meant).
Today, we went to the Lotus market, which is basically like a Wal-Mart, except it's WAY cooler!! Seriously, they have like escalators!! (which I managed to trip on... multiple times... while I was in the middle of them... don't even ask how).
And then, it has like everything. Seriously. Like, I think I could wander around there for hours and still not come across everything. It's like the most amazing supermarket thing in the world!!! (I think I'm being overly excited about such a small thing, but who cares? Life is better if you can choose to be amused by the small things!)
I actually bought stuff there. For my own personal use, I bought like 3 awesome notebooks, a CD that's in Chinese (haha you have to know the whole story behind getting this), a DVD that's in Chinese (goes along with the same story behind the CD), and a book. Those were all of my
All I wanted to say about this picture is: aren't my two little sisters cute??? I mean, they're both 12, but I still think they're pretty cute!!! (don't tell Nikki I said that... she'd most likely tell me to take that statement off!)
And here is a picture of our family (minus our dad). I'm so happy!!! I love our family!!!


Kim said...

So glad that you are keeping up with a blog as well! Such a wonderful way to document everything! I am so happy that I am crying as I write this Tuesday morning! So very excited for you and your family... what an amazing, wonderful blessing you are to Amy and she is to you!

Kim Spooner

Kelley said...

Hey Meg Meg -
Your blog is so awesome. I hope you realize how special this experience is and I thank you for sharing all of it. I know mom will catch me up more later but I appreciate all of your detail and color (mom's entries are a little shorter). Enjoy every part of this, even the yucky fish heads that are staring at you. At least it wasn't still breathing! I've seen that on tv before - eewwww!
Keep taking lots of pictures. I want to see them all when I come next time.
Tell your sister and Josh I said hi.
Love you - K

krazyruff said...

o my megan you are getting me very excited can not wait till you guys get back you guys are missed deeply
love keri