Saturday, November 15, 2008

Goodbye Zhengzhou!

Today, we left Zhengzhou... now, we are in beautiful Guangzhou! Seriously, it is GORGEOUS here! It's warm (today it was in 80's mostly). Too bad we didn't bring much warm weather clothes!!!

I would put pictures up, but I'm stuck using my parents computer. Our hotel (the White Swan Hotel- very impressive) doesn't have Wi-Fi! And then, you have to pay per computer for the internet access (300RMB per week per computer). So, I will use their computer unless I get desperate.

The plane from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou was Amy's first plane ride. Most of the time she slept or just listened to her MP3 player. But, Nikki and I had a blast! Apparently, the hour and a half was too long. We took out my camera and took some awesomely dorky pictures. But, I can't put them up since this isn't my beautiful pink laptop!!! (yes, I am finding this whole computer situation quite disheartening).

What else is there to say... hm....

So, for dinner, we headed over to this place called Lucy's. The food was like American!!! So, Josh and I got quesadillas.... I must say, they were delicious. After we were done with our delicious food, we got ice cream!!! I got strawberry and it was delicious! (are you getting the point that the food was delicious? lol).

The scenery surrounding the restaurant was beautiful! There was this tree above where we were sitting (we were outside, you see) and the flowers kept falling. I must admit, I was kinda afraid that the flowers would fall right into my beverage! (they didn't, luckily.) We actually saw about 3 couples coming in to take pictures in their wedding attire. It was so pretty! And then there was a river running through behind.... amazingly pretty place!

After we were done eating, we headed down the main street where we checked out the shops. I seriously could have spent longer on that strip! We weren't intending on buying anything yet, but I ended up getting this bamboo instrument. I also got to try playing a Chinese Violin, and now I have decided that I want to bring one home with me!

Well, that's all for now!!! TTYL!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Hey Smegma - that post was a little short :) I need more. Give me my fix.
I hope you are taking LOTS of picures.
Oh my gosh - side note - The Grinch is on tv right now.
You finally got cheese and ice cream again. I bet you have a new appreciation for both.
It's funny to listen to your computer dilema. A few years ago, this wouldn't have even been an option and now we are so fortunate and blessed. My mom was over this morning and I was showing her the blog. She was so amazed. She is just blown away that we can communicate and I can see where you are and what you are doing.
I'm glad everything else is going so well. Tell your sisters and Josh hi.
Miss you lots - Kelley xoxo