Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh deeeeeeeeeeear!!!!

For those of you who don't know this little fact about me, I am an over-packer. Like seriously. And now I have a small limit!!! For over 2 weeks!!! I know without being able to pack as much as I feel needed (which is basically just like my whole room), I'm going to forget something that is essential.

Maybe I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion.... I have been known to have many fears (haha right Maddie?) Hopefully, I will forget nothing. But, it's supposed to be cold... which means I may feel the dire need to pack more!!!

I can have a carry-on and another sort of luggage that is less than 50 lbs. That may sound like alot of space, except for the fact that my BACKPACK for school weighs about 30 lbs, every other day. This is not going to be a good situation....

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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