Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And so the stress rises....

Oh dear!!!! My life is already complicated, but the stress is mounting! The problems are simple, yet many. Although I'm sure you have things you'd rather do than listen to my problems, I'll put them up anyways. Hopefully, I will get some sympathy ;)

1. Packing- I just found out today that it's worse than I thought; apparently, I'm only allowed 44 lbs for the regular suitcase. Ug....
2. School- I'm feeling some anxiety about being away for this amount of time. My teachers are all being very supportive, which is good. Yet, the work will still need to get done....

Those are my main two problems. I'm sure that God will work this whole thing out, though, so I will decide to trust him!!! And, I mean, my problems aren't really that bad! I can totally do this! Yay!

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